Catching Up – Lightning Round

Time to play catch up here.

I’ve been quite busy lately, so in an effort to catch up here a bit, I will just play a little lightning round question and answer game.

Question:  “What has kept you so busy lately?”

Answer:  Helping my oldest nephew get my sister and brother-in-law (his mother and father) moved to a new mobile home on his property.. and a very nice one at that.  Let’s just say we have all learned *a lot* about mobile homes over the past few weeks!  Interesting stuff, and I’m glad to know a lot more about them now.

2017-02-10-13-37-11smQuestion:  “Why the rush to move them?”

Answer:  My brother-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease a few months ago, and my sister’s health (both physical and mental) continues to decline, not improve.  She has fallen twice recently and broke her elbow and a toe.  Neither of them can adequately care for the other now, it seems, and moving them to a home on their oldest son’s farm will make it easier for him and his large family to care for them when needed.

My nephew and his family are going to earn lots of gold stars in their Heavenly crowns for taking this responsibility on, too.  I’ve been trying to help where I can to make this happen as quickly as possible because it’s been a huge task, and other family members aren’t helping much, if at all.

Question:  “Have you been anywhere in the RV lately?”

Yes, we went on a great little five day trip to Lake Mineral Wells State Park (Prairies and Lakes region) and Fort Richardson State Park (Panhandle-Plains region) a couple of weeks ago to use Hubby’s last three vacation days before they expired the first week of March.  It was our first time to visit these two state parks, and we really liked both of them and the lovely RV sites.

Fort Richardson was a nice surprise and nicer than we thought it would be, too.  The fort site itself was so interesting to see, and our campsite sat right on a little spring-fed creek that was just delightful.  The spring was only about 50 yards upstream, so the water was crystal clear.

This was a bit of a landmark trip for us.  By finally visiting Fort Richardson State Park, we’ve now visited every state park in the Panhandle-Plains region except one, Possum Kingdom, since we started traveling by RV 5 1/2 years ago.  When you look at how large this region is geographically, I think that’s a decent milestone because we only vacation by RV.  (We probably won’t go to Possum Kingdom anytime soon, unfortunately, because a terrible fire struck there a few years ago, but maybe we can just make a day visit there to sometime to check it off our list.)

Of course, we’ve visited other parks outside the region, including state parks in the Big Bend region, the Hill Country region and the Prairies and Lakes region.  But, it’s great that we’ve finally made it to all the parks in our home region now that we want to see at this time.  Lake Mineral Wells is in the Prairies and Lakes Region, and we certainly enjoyed our beautiful lakeside campsite.  Hubby also caught a catfish but threw it back.  I enjoyed just sitting by the lake while he fished, and the dogs joined us lakeside a few times, too.

We both needed a nice, relaxing trip, and this whole trip was great for us for that very reason.


What a great, lakefront site we had at Lake Mineral Wells State Park!


Some day, we hope to actually visit every state park in Texas, so this is a good start for now.

2017-02-28-22-49-52Question:  “How’s the weather been lately?”

Pretty good, nice actually, except for two wild and windy West Texas dust storms that were just hideous.  We had to come home early from our stay at Lake Mineral Wells State Park to avoid driving the next day in one of those two wind storms, too.  When the weather alert mentions “Flaming Tumbleweeds” in the forecast, it’s best to just avoid traveling in a high profile vehicle, I think!

Question:  “Have you been doing anything else?”

Yes, cleaning out *that* closet in the back bedroom.  I got interrupted in the middle of that big project to help move my sister, so everything is just a disaster back there right now.  Ugh.

Question:  “Anything else of interest you want to share before you get back to your urgent tasks?”

Yes, one more thing.  Since my sister is downsizing her home, I worked a trade with her.  I bought them a new bed set for their new home in exchange for all of china and crystal she had from both of our grandmothers.  If I didn’t do that, she was going to sell it off to strangers, and I couldn’t bear the thought of her doing that.  I absolutely did not need any of this, but I wanted to keep it in the family.2017-03-06-08-59-10

I now have FIVE SETS OF CHINA.  Five of them.  Cinco conjuntos de.  My husband just rolled his eyes when I shared this tidbit with him.  Bless his heart.  But when I get *that* closet cleaned out, we will have plenty of room to store all of them for awhile.  At some point, I will have to decide who gets what between immediate and extended family members, but not anytime soon.

I also have a set of Christmas dishes, too… in addition to the four smaller sets of dishes we use regularly.  And what about a few of those interesting depression glass pieces?  Lead crystal bowls?  (Thankfully, I only have one little set of cute Corelle dishes in the RV.)

I may or may not have a dish problem.

I may need to even write a post soon with photos of all the dishes in my life, as well as the crystal sets, three nice sets of stainless and one very nice set of silver.  Oh yes, I have silver service pieces, too, all pieces that belonged to family members, and I’m determined to make sure they all stay with family members that will not sell them off, if possible. And speaking of those silver pieces, it’s time for a good polish.

Yes, as one dear friend put it, I am now the family museum.  I know these treasures will only be mine for a little while, so I will enjoy them while I can and do my best to keep them safe in the process.  They are just stuff, but they all bring such special memories with them, and that’s what is most important to me.

That’s it for today’s lightning round!  It’s time to get busy again on this Monday when the wind is supposed to once again roar with flaming tumbleweeds!








Author: DK

Blogger at My Five Fs (Faith - Family - Food - Fotos - Fun) and Animal Wonder. Empty-nester that now shares life with my hubby and our two standard poodles. Enjoys camping in our RV, taking and editing photos, trying new low-carb recipes, baking pretty decorated cookies for special occasions, walking daily, spending time with family and friends when we can, playing with the dogs, and is grateful to God for every single day of this blessed life and for the opportunity to share and connect with some great people here.

7 thoughts on “Catching Up – Lightning Round”

  1. I can relate to your feelings about the dishes and crystal! I recently read an article about how the younger people these days don’t want all of our “stuff”. Sad to think so much of family heirlooms ends up going to strangers now. Thankfully our daughter was happy to have my parent’s good china so ours will go to a granddaughter one day. I’ve got two sets of crystal, though. I have a few of my grandmother’s big serving platters that I love.

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    1. I agree with your comment about younger folks not really caring about these heirloom pieces, and I think it’s a bit sad. I’m hoping as some of them grow older, they will change their minds… and also have more room to take a few pieces. I don’t want to think about what I will do someday if I can’t find good homes for them in the family. I need to write down what I know and remember about all of them and who they came from, and maybe that will help others to appreciate them more someday.

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  2. Glad to hear you made it out on a couple of RV trips. That wind across Texas is something we always pay attention to as we cross the state. Not to be taken lightly. Hubby and I were just discussing the younger generation earlier today and wondering what will happen to certain items and properties considering most millennials have little interest in these things and I don’t think they ever will.

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    1. And… I think we’re in for a doosey of a spring with the wind this year. Waking up this morning to lots of smoke from fires that are three hours north. Ugh. Millennials are an interesting group, for sure, but perhaps there is still hope that this generation will come around at some point and appreciate some things they don’t really find value in right now in many areas. We all mature over the course of our lives, and I have a much deeper appreciation for family history and some things my ancestors owned today than I would have thirty years ago. If not, I’ll just deal with that matter when the time comes to find new homes for these little treasures, I guess.


  3. LOL — five sets of china — I so feel your pain! When we downsized I could not believe how many duplicates, triplicates, and quadruplicates of things we had accumulated between ourselves, two sets of parents and several sets of grandparents. It was ghastly and we didn’t even realize we had done it!

    We were also shocked by the disparity between what we thought people would value and pay for, and the things they did value and gladly paid a ridiculous amount of money for things I would have thrown away without a second thought.

    Peg & I both wish you well in helping out with the Parkinson’s diagnosis. Progressive diseases are hard not only on the patient but also on caregivers and family. Our prayer s will keep you before the throne of grace.

    Don’t blame hub for throwing back his catfish. I like pretty much every kind of seafood I’ve tasted, but somehow I can’t get behind catfish. Something about the texture for me. eeeeemwwww.

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    1. I very much appreciate your prayers for my brother-in-law. My sister has so many health and mental issues that I’m afraid his family is late to the party as far as getting him diagnosed. Some of us have been on her and their kids to get him to the doctor for several years… long before my mother passed away. My sister couldn’t get her mind off of her own issues, and the kids didn’t really believe us, I think. Now they know. He will be getting a month of physical therapy in May, but I wish they could do it sooner, as he has a very hard time walking right now. Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons’ runs in his family, and all eventually died from their diseases. So, yes, it’s a very tough situation.

      Well, I know you can relate to my china problem now! haha Geez Louise. I’ve helped with three big estate sales in recent years and can definitely relate to being surprised at what people pay for different things. The most recent example was about a year ago when I helped a friend with her mother’s sale. They had a mai tai bowl from Trader Joe’s that we started to just put $5 on. But, just for grins, I checked online at Ebay and found it was going for over $100! So they listed it there and sold it to a man in Australia for about $125 plus shipping costs! We still laugh about that now, too.

      We love crispy cornmeal breaded catfish and hushpuppies, but he was just fishing for sport. We already had all of our food for the trip anyway. I’m just glad he actually caught a fish this time. haha He was like a little kid when he caught it.

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      1. LOL — yeah, funny the things that bring out the little kid in us!

        Health issues are so personal, yet so often it seems the “person” ends up not being the one to face the major complications of their condition as it throws entire households and families into chaos. We’ll keep them all in our prayers.

        And you… hang in there. You have to keep water in the well if you want to give a drink to someone else. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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